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Jean Miller | Hive Inspections, When Things Go Wrong!

September 8, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What to look for outside the hive, at entrance and in the hive during an inspection.Presentation addresses the following:
Bears, Raccoons, Skunks
Bad Temperament
Queen right (or not)
Evaluating Resources (Nectar/Pollen/Brood)
Small Hive Beetle, Wax Moths and (the dreaded) Varroa Mite… and so much more!

Jean Miller
Beekeeper since 2014.
Cornell University Master Beekeeper since 2021.
Member of following beekeeper organizations:
Northwest New Jersey Beekeepers Association
New Jersey Beekeepers Association
Eastern Apiculture Society
Have traveled twice to Kenya to study beekeeping there with Maryann Frazier of Penn
State. In May/June of 2022, went to Thailand with Dr. Jamie Ellis and Dr. Cameron Jack
(U. of FL) to study beekeeping and the diversity of honey bees in Southeast Asia.
Rutgers University Master Gardener since 2012. Have logged over 1600 volunteer
hours. Well versed in deer resistant plants that provide nectar and pollen for bees.
Was a substitute teacher in the Flemington area for 20 years. Have taught all grade
levels and all core subjects but prefered teaching Math and Science in grades 6 th -12 th
Process Control Manager for Nestle’s Freehold manufacturing facility (in my former life,
that is before motherhood.)
Graduated with high honors from Lehigh University with a BS in Industrial Engineering
I’m also an avid life-long naturalist and have visited and hiked in over 50 National Parks.
Also enjoy traveling internationally (Ecuador {Galapagos Islands}, Peru, Iceland, Kenya,
Tanzania, Egypt, China, Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand…).

To register please email president@bostonbeekeepers.org. This presentation is free to BABA members and $5 to non-members. The zoom link will be sent the evening prior to the presentation. See you there!


September 8, 2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm